Fig. 3.
Fig. 3. Chemokine-induced CCR2 and CCR5 internalization on monocytes. / Monocytes immediately after isolation (A) or cultured overnight (B) were treated with 1 μM eotaxin (thick line), the agonists (thin line) MCP-1 (A) or RANTES (B), or medium alone (broken line) for 60 minutes, stained with anti-CCR2 (A) or anti-CCR5 (B), and analyzed by flow cytometry. The histograms show the fluorescence intensity of relative cell number. Tracings are representative of 3 experiments performed with monocytes from different donors.

Chemokine-induced CCR2 and CCR5 internalization on monocytes.

Monocytes immediately after isolation (A) or cultured overnight (B) were treated with 1 μM eotaxin (thick line), the agonists (thin line) MCP-1 (A) or RANTES (B), or medium alone (broken line) for 60 minutes, stained with anti-CCR2 (A) or anti-CCR5 (B), and analyzed by flow cytometry. The histograms show the fluorescence intensity of relative cell number. Tracings are representative of 3 experiments performed with monocytes from different donors.

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