Fig. 1.
Fig. 1. Expression of CD1a, Langerin, CD68, CD14, CD83, and CD86 on LCH cells. / Serial sections from bone lesion of patient 10337 (eosinophilic granuloma) (A), lymph node from patient 6277 (multisystem disease) (B), and skin from patient 4968 (cutaneous histiocytosis) (C) were stained with CD1a, Langerin, CD68, CD14, CD86, and CD83. CD1a+cells from bone (A) and lymph node (B) lesions expressed Langerin, CD14, CD68, and did not express CD86 or CD83. CD1a+ skin lesion cells rarely expressed CD14 but expressed CD86 and some cells were also CD83+. Note that in bone and lymph node lesions CD68 and CD14 stained more cells than did CD1a and Langerin, but this was not the case in skin lesion.

Expression of CD1a, Langerin, CD68, CD14, CD83, and CD86 on LCH cells.

Serial sections from bone lesion of patient 10337 (eosinophilic granuloma) (A), lymph node from patient 6277 (multisystem disease) (B), and skin from patient 4968 (cutaneous histiocytosis) (C) were stained with CD1a, Langerin, CD68, CD14, CD86, and CD83. CD1a+cells from bone (A) and lymph node (B) lesions expressed Langerin, CD14, CD68, and did not express CD86 or CD83. CD1a+ skin lesion cells rarely expressed CD14 but expressed CD86 and some cells were also CD83+. Note that in bone and lymph node lesions CD68 and CD14 stained more cells than did CD1a and Langerin, but this was not the case in skin lesion.

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