Fig. 4.
Fig. 4. CMV-specific CTL at single time points in 15 patients more than 6 months after allografting. / Patients 25 to 33 were in group 1 (both donor and recipient positive for CMV), patients 34 to 37 were in group 2 (recipient positive and donor negative for CMV), and patients 38 and 39 were in group 3 (recipient negative and donor positive for CMV). The y-axis represents tetramer-binding cells as a fraction of CD8+ T cells.

CMV-specific CTL at single time points in 15 patients more than 6 months after allografting.

Patients 25 to 33 were in group 1 (both donor and recipient positive for CMV), patients 34 to 37 were in group 2 (recipient positive and donor negative for CMV), and patients 38 and 39 were in group 3 (recipient negative and donor positive for CMV). The y-axis represents tetramer-binding cells as a fraction of CD8+ T cells.

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