Fig. 1.
Fig. 1. Staining of CMV-specific CTL with HLA-peptide tetramers. / PBMC from a CMV-seropositive HLA-A*0201 negative (A) or positive (B) donor were stained with the HLA-A*0201:495-503 tetramer; 0.4% of PBMC from donor B stained with the tetramer, equivalent to 3.7% of the CD8+ population. PBMC from a CMV-seropositive HLA-B*0702 negative (C) or positive (D) donor were stained with the HLA-B*0702:417-426 tetramer; 0.2% of PBMC from donor D stained with the tetramer, equivalent to 1.5% of the CD8+population.

Staining of CMV-specific CTL with HLA-peptide tetramers.

PBMC from a CMV-seropositive HLA-A*0201 negative (A) or positive (B) donor were stained with the HLA-A*0201:495-503 tetramer; 0.4% of PBMC from donor B stained with the tetramer, equivalent to 3.7% of the CD8+ population. PBMC from a CMV-seropositive HLA-B*0702 negative (C) or positive (D) donor were stained with the HLA-B*0702:417-426 tetramer; 0.2% of PBMC from donor D stained with the tetramer, equivalent to 1.5% of the CD8+population.

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