Fig. 1.
Fig. 1. PCR strategies to type the rearrangement status of human IgH and TCRβ loci. / The human IgH locus harbors about 90 to 123 VH gene segments (depending on haplotype), 27 DH genes, and 6 JH genes. The human TCRβ locus is composed of 65 Vβ gene segments and 2 tandemly arranged D-J-C clusters: the first with 1 Dβ, 6 Jβ, and 1 Cβ genes, the second with 1 Dβ, 7 Jβ, and 1 Cβ genes. (A) IgH germline configuration is detected with a primer upstream of the most 3′ DH element (DH7-27) and the nested JH1 primers. Because DH7-27 is located only 80 base pairs upstream of the JH1 gene segment, the DH7-27–JH primer combination not only detects DH7-27–JH rearrangements but also the germline configuration of the IgH locus. (B) DHJH joints are amplified with a collection of 7 DH-family–specific primers and the nested JH primer mixes. (C) VHDHJH rearrangements are amplified with 6 VH-family–specific primers binding to the framework region 1 of human VH genes and the nested JHprimer mixes. (D) Germline configuration of the TCRβ locus is detected with primers binding intronic sequences 5′ and 3′ of the Dβ1 and Dβ2 genes. (E) DβJβ joints are amplified with the 5′ Dβ primers and nested Jβ primer mixes. (F) TCRβ VDJ rearrangements are amplified with a collection of 24 Vβ-family–specific primers and the 2 Jβprimer mixes. Arrows indicate location of primers.

PCR strategies to type the rearrangement status of human IgH and TCRβ loci.

The human IgH locus harbors about 90 to 123 VH gene segments (depending on haplotype), 27 DH genes, and 6 JH genes. The human TCRβ locus is composed of 65 Vβ gene segments and 2 tandemly arranged D-J-C clusters: the first with 1 Dβ, 6 Jβ, and 1 Cβ genes, the second with 1 Dβ, 7 Jβ, and 1 Cβ genes. (A) IgH germline configuration is detected with a primer upstream of the most 3′ DH element (DH7-27) and the nested JH1 primers. Because DH7-27 is located only 80 base pairs upstream of the JH1 gene segment, the DH7-27–JH primer combination not only detects DH7-27–JH rearrangements but also the germline configuration of the IgH locus. (B) DHJH joints are amplified with a collection of 7 DH-family–specific primers and the nested JH primer mixes. (C) VHDHJH rearrangements are amplified with 6 VH-family–specific primers binding to the framework region 1 of human VH genes and the nested JHprimer mixes. (D) Germline configuration of the TCRβ locus is detected with primers binding intronic sequences 5′ and 3′ of the Dβ1 and Dβ2 genes. (E) DβJβ joints are amplified with the 5′ Dβ primers and nested Jβ primer mixes. (F) TCRβ VDJ rearrangements are amplified with a collection of 24 Vβ-family–specific primers and the 2 Jβprimer mixes. Arrows indicate location of primers.

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