Fig. 3.
Fig. 3. P-gp expression on human CFU-GM–, BFU-E–, and CFU-Meg–derived cells. / Flow cytometric analysis of P-gp protein expression on human CFU-GM–derived (A), BFU-E–derived (B), and CFU-Meg–derived (C) cells. Analysis was repeated 3 times with similar results. Representative FACS analysis is shown.

P-gp expression on human CFU-GM–, BFU-E–, and CFU-Meg–derived cells.

Flow cytometric analysis of P-gp protein expression on human CFU-GM–derived (A), BFU-E–derived (B), and CFU-Meg–derived (C) cells. Analysis was repeated 3 times with similar results. Representative FACS analysis is shown.

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