Fig. 9.
Fig. 9. Effects of Sph-1-P or LPA on HUVEC cytoskeletal reorganization. / HUVECs were stimulated without (A and F) or with 100 nmol/L (B and G) or 1 μmol/L (C and H) Sph-1-P or 100 nmol/L (D and I) or 1 μmol/L (E and J) LPA for 30 minutes, fixed, and then incubated with anti-paxillin for detection of focal adhesions (F to J) and with FITC-conjugated phalloidin for actin stress-fiber staining (A to E).

Effects of Sph-1-P or LPA on HUVEC cytoskeletal reorganization.

HUVECs were stimulated without (A and F) or with 100 nmol/L (B and G) or 1 μmol/L (C and H) Sph-1-P or 100 nmol/L (D and I) or 1 μmol/L (E and J) LPA for 30 minutes, fixed, and then incubated with anti-paxillin for detection of focal adhesions (F to J) and with FITC-conjugated phalloidin for actin stress-fiber staining (A to E).

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