Fig. 3.
Fig. 3. Flow cytometric analysis of competitive engraftment of PMVEC coculture and stoma-free culture-expanded CB CD34+cells in triple HLA-mismatched SCID-hu bone model. / (A) Dot-plot demonstrates the presence of 3 distinct HLA types within the same bone. Recipient-host cells in this case are double positive for each of the HLA markers (upper right quadrant of the plot). PMVEC coculture-derived cells lack the expression of stroma-free culture-derived HLA marker and are shown in the upper left quadrant of the plot. Stroma-free culture-derived cells do not express PMVEC coculture-derived cell HLA marker and are shown in the lower right quadrant of the plot. Panel B demonstrates the presence of CD33+ myeloid, CD19+ lymphoid, and CD34+ progenitor cells among PMVEC coculture-derived HLA marker-positive gated cells. Panel C documents presence of the same multiple hematopoietic lineages within the stroma-free culture derived population gate.

Flow cytometric analysis of competitive engraftment of PMVEC coculture and stoma-free culture-expanded CB CD34+cells in triple HLA-mismatched SCID-hu bone model.

(A) Dot-plot demonstrates the presence of 3 distinct HLA types within the same bone. Recipient-host cells in this case are double positive for each of the HLA markers (upper right quadrant of the plot). PMVEC coculture-derived cells lack the expression of stroma-free culture-derived HLA marker and are shown in the upper left quadrant of the plot. Stroma-free culture-derived cells do not express PMVEC coculture-derived cell HLA marker and are shown in the lower right quadrant of the plot. Panel B demonstrates the presence of CD33+ myeloid, CD19+ lymphoid, and CD34+ progenitor cells among PMVEC coculture-derived HLA marker-positive gated cells. Panel C documents presence of the same multiple hematopoietic lineages within the stroma-free culture derived population gate.

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