Fig. 4.
Fig. 4. Osmotic gradient ektacytometry. / The deformability index (DI) was measured for increasing osmolality of the red cells containing medium. Full line indicates control; dotted line, a patient whose curve was shifted leftward. The Ominpoint corresponds to the osmolality at which the red cells are maximally swollen. The O' point corresponds to the osmolality at which DI has half its maximal value.

Osmotic gradient ektacytometry.

The deformability index (DI) was measured for increasing osmolality of the red cells containing medium. Full line indicates control; dotted line, a patient whose curve was shifted leftward. The Ominpoint corresponds to the osmolality at which the red cells are maximally swollen. The O' point corresponds to the osmolality at which DI has half its maximal value.

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