Fig. 1.
Family pedigree of the afibrinogenemic proband and electropherograms showing the identified splice site mutation.

Family pedigree of the afibrinogenemic proband and electropherograms showing the identified splice site mutation.

(A) Pedigree of the Pakistani family. Plasma functional fibrinogen levels (mg/dL) and immunoreactive fibrinogen levels (mg/dL) are indicated in this order below each symbol. The arrow indicates the proband. (B) Electropherograms showing the mutation identified in the afibrinogenemic Pakistani proband. The G→A transition, whose nucleotide position is indicated by an arrow (numbering according to GenBank accession number M10014), was present at the heterozygous state in both parents and absent in a healthy control individual (wt). Family members are labeled as in (A); R, A or G nucleotide.

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