Fig. 3.
Fig. 3. Differentiation status, cell cycle distribution, and PML-staining patterns of NB4 cells at distinct time-points of an ATRA treatment. / Differentiation of the cells was evaluated by (A) morphological changes (Wright's staining) and (B) CD11b expression. (C) The percentages of G1/G2- and S-phase cells at the same time-points were measured by PI staining and FACS analysis. (D) PML/RAR, PML localization in corresponding time-points was studied using immunofluorescence methods with antihuman PML antibodies.

Differentiation status, cell cycle distribution, and PML-staining patterns of NB4 cells at distinct time-points of an ATRA treatment.

Differentiation of the cells was evaluated by (A) morphological changes (Wright's staining) and (B) CD11b expression. (C) The percentages of G1/G2- and S-phase cells at the same time-points were measured by PI staining and FACS analysis. (D) PML/RAR, PML localization in corresponding time-points was studied using immunofluorescence methods with antihuman PML antibodies.

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