Fig. 2.
Fig. 2. Morphology of sorted PBMCs from FL- or placebo-treated volunteers. / (A) CD11c+ CD14− DC fraction from an FL-treated individual. (B) CD11c+ CD14+monocyte fraction from an FL-treated individual. (C) CD11cdull CD14dull neutrophil fraction from an FL-treated individual. (D) CD11c+ CD14+monocyte fraction from a placebo-treated individual. Cytospins were prepared from the sorted PBMC populations depicted in Figure 1B and stained with Wright-Giemsa stain.

Morphology of sorted PBMCs from FL- or placebo-treated volunteers.

(A) CD11c+ CD14 DC fraction from an FL-treated individual. (B) CD11c+ CD14+monocyte fraction from an FL-treated individual. (C) CD11cdull CD14dull neutrophil fraction from an FL-treated individual. (D) CD11c+ CD14+monocyte fraction from a placebo-treated individual. Cytospins were prepared from the sorted PBMC populations depicted in Figure 1B and stained with Wright-Giemsa stain.

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