Fig. 1.
Fig. 1. Changes in peripheral blood lymphocyte subpopulations during sequential cycles of chemotherapy, PBPC infusions, and after completion of therapy. / The absolute number of each lymphocyte subset was determined using flow cytometry as described in “Materials and methods.” Samples were obtained at the time of maximal hematologic recovery from the preceding cycle of chemotherapy. Open circles represent patients who received unmanipulated PBPC grafts and filled squares represent patients who received CD34-selected/T-cell–depleted PBPC grafts. Shaded areas represent 95% confidence intervals for adult normal values as described in “Materials and methods.” Horizontal lines denote median values. The time points noted as 1 to 30 months represent time after completion of PBPC-supported chemotherapy. Patients received 1 to 3 PBPC cycles as detailed in Table 1. Pre-rx n = 15, Cy3 n = 8, PBPC1 n = 13, PBPC2 n = 8, PBPC3 n = 8, 1 month n = 5, 3 months n = 12, 6 months n = 5, 9 months n = 4, 12 months n = 8, 15 to 18 months n = 6, 24 months n = 4, and 30 months n = 2.

Changes in peripheral blood lymphocyte subpopulations during sequential cycles of chemotherapy, PBPC infusions, and after completion of therapy.

The absolute number of each lymphocyte subset was determined using flow cytometry as described in “Materials and methods.” Samples were obtained at the time of maximal hematologic recovery from the preceding cycle of chemotherapy. Open circles represent patients who received unmanipulated PBPC grafts and filled squares represent patients who received CD34-selected/T-cell–depleted PBPC grafts. Shaded areas represent 95% confidence intervals for adult normal values as described in “Materials and methods.” Horizontal lines denote median values. The time points noted as 1 to 30 months represent time after completion of PBPC-supported chemotherapy. Patients received 1 to 3 PBPC cycles as detailed in Table 1. Pre-rx n = 15, Cy3 n = 8, PBPC1 n = 13, PBPC2 n = 8, PBPC3 n = 8, 1 month n = 5, 3 months n = 12, 6 months n = 5, 9 months n = 4, 12 months n = 8, 15 to 18 months n = 6, 24 months n = 4, and 30 months n = 2.

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