Fig. 3.
Fig. 3. PCR analysis of Kell cDNA. / Normalized first strand cDNA preparations from different human tissues as indicated below were screened by PCR. Primers were designed to amplify a 386-bp segment (arrow). (1) Control (no template cDNA), (2) peripheral blood leukocytes, (3) bone marrow, (4) lymph node, (5) fetal liver, (6) tonsils, (7) spleen, (8) thymus, (9) brain, (10) heart, (11) kidney, (12) liver, (13) lung, (14) pancreas, (15) placenta, (16) skeletal muscle, (17) colon, (18) ovary, (19) prostate, (20) small intestine, and (21) testis.

PCR analysis of Kell cDNA.

Normalized first strand cDNA preparations from different human tissues as indicated below were screened by PCR. Primers were designed to amplify a 386-bp segment (arrow). (1) Control (no template cDNA), (2) peripheral blood leukocytes, (3) bone marrow, (4) lymph node, (5) fetal liver, (6) tonsils, (7) spleen, (8) thymus, (9) brain, (10) heart, (11) kidney, (12) liver, (13) lung, (14) pancreas, (15) placenta, (16) skeletal muscle, (17) colon, (18) ovary, (19) prostate, (20) small intestine, and (21) testis.

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