Fig. 2.
Fig. 2. Acute GVHD results in aberrant intrathymic T-cell development. / Acute (C) or chronic (D) GVHD was induced in unirradiated B6D2F1 mice, as described in Figure 1. Untransplanted (A) or syngeneically transplanted (B) B6D2F1 mice served as controls. Two weeks after transplantation, the surface expression of CD4 and CD8 (upper panels) and of TCRβ (lower panels) on thymocytes were analyzed by flow cytometry. Cell analysis was restricted to live thymocytes, as defined by forward scatter and side scatter. Numbers depicted in each quadrant of the dot plot represent mean frequencies (%) of the respective populations. (E) Quantification of the 4 major thymocyte subsets (cells × 10−6) was performed in thymuses isolated from untransplanted (▨) or syngeneically transplanted (□) B6D2F1 mice and from mice with acute (▪) and chronic () GVHD, respectively. The figure represents combined data (mean ± SEM) of individual mice from at least 8 separate experiments; 12 to 41 mice were analyzed for each group.

Acute GVHD results in aberrant intrathymic T-cell development.

Acute (C) or chronic (D) GVHD was induced in unirradiated B6D2F1 mice, as described in Figure 1. Untransplanted (A) or syngeneically transplanted (B) B6D2F1 mice served as controls. Two weeks after transplantation, the surface expression of CD4 and CD8 (upper panels) and of TCRβ (lower panels) on thymocytes were analyzed by flow cytometry. Cell analysis was restricted to live thymocytes, as defined by forward scatter and side scatter. Numbers depicted in each quadrant of the dot plot represent mean frequencies (%) of the respective populations. (E) Quantification of the 4 major thymocyte subsets (cells × 10−6) was performed in thymuses isolated from untransplanted (▨) or syngeneically transplanted (□) B6D2F1 mice and from mice with acute (▪) and chronic () GVHD, respectively. The figure represents combined data (mean ± SEM) of individual mice from at least 8 separate experiments; 12 to 41 mice were analyzed for each group.

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