Fig. 1.
Fig. 1. The effect of cytokines on adenoviral vector–transduced progenitors. / In a series of experiments, progenitor cells were cultured either in KL alone □ or in KL, FL, IL-1, and IL-3 ○ during infection and for 72 hours posttransduction with AdGFP or AdNull. At 3 days after initiation of the infection, FACS analysis, cell counts, and colonogenic assays were performed. Viability was assessed using trypan blue. (A) Total transduced cells in 1 representative experiment. (B) Transduced CD34+ cells in the same experiment shown in panel A. (C) Average cell viability evaluated from 3 experiments. (D) Average number of total transduced cells enumerated by multiplication of the percentage of transduced cells and the total number of viable cells in 3 experiments. (E) Average cell viability following either mock infection or adenoviral infection at MOI = 1000 enumerated from 7 independent experiments. The P value, derived from Studentt test, indicates a significant difference between mock-infected cells and infected cells when cultured in KL alone. (F) Clonogenicity of progenitor cells following adenoviral infection at MOI = 1000. Values, expressed as a percentage of colonies derived from mock-infected cells, are the averages of 7 independent tests. TheP value, derived from Student t test, indicates a significant difference in the cloning efficiency of infected cells compared with mock-infected cells when cultured in KL alone. Error bars represent the SEM.

The effect of cytokines on adenoviral vector–transduced progenitors.

In a series of experiments, progenitor cells were cultured either in KL alone □ or in KL, FL, IL-1, and IL-3 ○ during infection and for 72 hours posttransduction with AdGFP or AdNull. At 3 days after initiation of the infection, FACS analysis, cell counts, and colonogenic assays were performed. Viability was assessed using trypan blue. (A) Total transduced cells in 1 representative experiment. (B) Transduced CD34+ cells in the same experiment shown in panel A. (C) Average cell viability evaluated from 3 experiments. (D) Average number of total transduced cells enumerated by multiplication of the percentage of transduced cells and the total number of viable cells in 3 experiments. (E) Average cell viability following either mock infection or adenoviral infection at MOI = 1000 enumerated from 7 independent experiments. The P value, derived from Studentt test, indicates a significant difference between mock-infected cells and infected cells when cultured in KL alone. (F) Clonogenicity of progenitor cells following adenoviral infection at MOI = 1000. Values, expressed as a percentage of colonies derived from mock-infected cells, are the averages of 7 independent tests. TheP value, derived from Student t test, indicates a significant difference in the cloning efficiency of infected cells compared with mock-infected cells when cultured in KL alone. Error bars represent the SEM.

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