Fig. 4.
Fig. 4. Flow cytometric analysis of the fraction of RBCs that respond to stimulation with LPA. / (A) RBCs loaded with Fluo-3 were treated with buffer only (thin line), 5 μmol/L LPA (dotted line), or 2 μmol/L of the Ca++ionophore, A23 187 (thick line). After 10 minutes' incubation at 37°C, the cell suspension was evaluated for fluorescent cells using an EPICS Elite flow cytometer. (B) Summary of the flow cytometry data collected on 10 separate blood samples, showing the percent positively sorted cells in each sample. Where all 10 data points are not visible, the data points overlap.

Flow cytometric analysis of the fraction of RBCs that respond to stimulation with LPA.

(A) RBCs loaded with Fluo-3 were treated with buffer only (thin line), 5 μmol/L LPA (dotted line), or 2 μmol/L of the Ca++ionophore, A23 187 (thick line). After 10 minutes' incubation at 37°C, the cell suspension was evaluated for fluorescent cells using an EPICS Elite flow cytometer. (B) Summary of the flow cytometry data collected on 10 separate blood samples, showing the percent positively sorted cells in each sample. Where all 10 data points are not visible, the data points overlap.

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