Fig. 2.
Fig. 2. Histopathologic examination of liver, skin, and intestine tissues from mice with acute GVHD treated with anti-CD134L mAb. / Induction of lethal acute GVHD (B, E, and H) and administration of anti-CD134L mAb (C, F, and I) were performed and acute-GVHD–negative controls (A, D, and G) were generated as described in the legend for Figure 1. On day 28 after BMT, 3 mice in each group were killed. Paraffin sections of the liver (A-C), skin (C-F), and intestine (G-I) were stained with hematoxylin and eosin. The specimens shown are from 3 representative mice in each group with similar histologic features. Original magnification, ×200.

Histopathologic examination of liver, skin, and intestine tissues from mice with acute GVHD treated with anti-CD134L mAb.

Induction of lethal acute GVHD (B, E, and H) and administration of anti-CD134L mAb (C, F, and I) were performed and acute-GVHD–negative controls (A, D, and G) were generated as described in the legend for Figure 1. On day 28 after BMT, 3 mice in each group were killed. Paraffin sections of the liver (A-C), skin (C-F), and intestine (G-I) were stained with hematoxylin and eosin. The specimens shown are from 3 representative mice in each group with similar histologic features. Original magnification, ×200.

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