Fig. 5.
Fig. 5. Induction of VCAM-1 can be inhibited by a nitrocellulose membrane. / VCAM-1 expression was evaluated on H-end80 cells cocultured for 7 hours with NQ22 cells (B); with NQ22 cells separated by a tissue culture insert with an anopore membrane bearing 0.02-μm diameter pores in which the 2 cell types were separated by a distance of approximately1 mm (C); with NQ22 cells separated by a tissue culture insert with an anopore membrane bearing 0.02-μm diameter pores in which the 2 cell types were separated by a distance of approximately 0.06 mm (D). Other endothelial cells were grown for 16 hours in the presence of 10 ng/mL TNF-α (A). NQ22 cells were isolated from an infiltrated spleen; basal, basal expression of VCAM-1 in H-end80 cells.

Induction of VCAM-1 can be inhibited by a nitrocellulose membrane.

VCAM-1 expression was evaluated on H-end80 cells cocultured for 7 hours with NQ22 cells (B); with NQ22 cells separated by a tissue culture insert with an anopore membrane bearing 0.02-μm diameter pores in which the 2 cell types were separated by a distance of approximately1 mm (C); with NQ22 cells separated by a tissue culture insert with an anopore membrane bearing 0.02-μm diameter pores in which the 2 cell types were separated by a distance of approximately 0.06 mm (D). Other endothelial cells were grown for 16 hours in the presence of 10 ng/mL TNF-α (A). NQ22 cells were isolated from an infiltrated spleen; basal, basal expression of VCAM-1 in H-end80 cells.

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