Fig. 5.
Fig. 5. Cytotoxic T lymphocyte activity in CD69 (-/-) mice. / (A) Natural killer (NK) cytotoxity against NK-resistant and NK-sensitive cells using unfractionated spleen cells. Cytotoxic activity was assayed in the presence or absence of phytohemagglutinin (PHA) plus IL-2. Specific lysis is shown for three mice per group, representative of five experiments. (B) Nucleoprotein (NP) peptide-specific cytotoxic response of spleen cells from F5 CD69 (+/+) and F5 CD69 (-/-) mice, treated with influenza virus nucleoprotein peptide as in Materials and methods section. Cells were assayed in the presence or absence of the NP366–374. Results shown are the average of three mice per group, representative of three experiments.

Cytotoxic T lymphocyte activity in CD69 (-/-) mice.

(A) Natural killer (NK) cytotoxity against NK-resistant and NK-sensitive cells using unfractionated spleen cells. Cytotoxic activity was assayed in the presence or absence of phytohemagglutinin (PHA) plus IL-2. Specific lysis is shown for three mice per group, representative of five experiments. (B) Nucleoprotein (NP) peptide-specific cytotoxic response of spleen cells from F5 CD69 (+/+) and F5 CD69 (-/-) mice, treated with influenza virus nucleoprotein peptide as in Materials and methods section. Cells were assayed in the presence or absence of the NP366–374. Results shown are the average of three mice per group, representative of three experiments.

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