Fig. 2.
Fig. 2. In vivo selection for ▵MGMT-transduced CFU. / Representative PCR on genomic DNA obtained from individual bone marrow-derived CFU from mice in the 25 × 104 cohort given (a) 0 cycles (b) 1 cycle, (c) 2 cycles, or (d) 3 cycles of BG and BCNU; (e) mouse from 100 × 104 cohort given 3 cycles of BG and BCNU. +, positive control; −, negative control; H20, water control (no genomic DNA).

In vivo selection for ▵MGMT-transduced CFU.

Representative PCR on genomic DNA obtained from individual bone marrow-derived CFU from mice in the 25 × 104 cohort given (a) 0 cycles (b) 1 cycle, (c) 2 cycles, or (d) 3 cycles of BG and BCNU; (e) mouse from 100 × 104 cohort given 3 cycles of BG and BCNU. +, positive control; −, negative control; H20, water control (no genomic DNA).

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