Fig. 1.
Studies of offspring generated by crossmatingBCR/ABLtg/− mice with p53+/−mice.

Studies of offspring generated by crossmatingBCR/ABLtg/− mice with p53+/−mice.

(A) Genotyping of the mice. The upper lanes show the results of Southern blot testing. The arrow indicates the position of thebcr/abl transgene; G, the position of the germline; and T, the targeted alleles of the p53 gene. The lower lanes show the genotypes of the mice. (B) Survival curves for the mice, according to genotype. Thin dotted lines indicate the percentage of surviving mice with theBCR/ABL−/−p53+/+genotype; thick dotted lines, theBCR/ABL−/−p53+/−genotype; thin solid lines, theBCR/ABLtg/−p53+/+genotype; and thick solid lines, theBCR/ ABLtg/−p53+/−genotype. (C) Changes in the white blood cell (WBC) count and mortality of the mice. The white circle indicates the WBC counts ofBCR/ ABL−/−p53+/+mice; black circle,BCR/ABL−/−p53+/−mice; white square,BCR/ ABLtg/−p53+/+mice; and black square,BCR/ABLtg/−p53+/−mice. The bar indicates SD; the arrow shows the point at which a mouse died.

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