Fig. 2.
Fig. 2. Expression of the transgenes. / A, B, Whole cell lysates of bone marrow were subjected to denaturing PAGE and Western blotting using a rabbit polyclonal antihumanRARαF domain antibody. Signals corresponding to transgenically expressed PMLRARα and RARα proteins are indicated by arrows. Locations of size markers are indicated by lines. (A) Protein expression in nonleukemic bone marrow of the highest expressing MRP8-PMLRARα transgenic line (Tg556-PR) and in 2 of the MRP8-PMLRARαm4 mice, Tg4048-PRm4 (nonleukemic bone marrow) and Tg4099-PRm4 (leukemic bone marrow). 8% SDS-polyacrylamide. (B) Protein expression in nonleukemic bone marrow Tg556-PR and in the marrows of healthy MRP8-RARαm4 transgenic mice from 3 lines, Tg4142-Rm4, Tg4151-Rm4, and Tg4192-Rm4. 12% SDS-polyacrylamide. C, Immunofluorescence analysis of bone marrow neutrophilic cells, anti-RARαF antiserum and Hoechst 33258, 1300 × .

Expression of the transgenes.

A, B, Whole cell lysates of bone marrow were subjected to denaturing PAGE and Western blotting using a rabbit polyclonal antihumanRARαF domain antibody. Signals corresponding to transgenically expressed PMLRARα and RARα proteins are indicated by arrows. Locations of size markers are indicated by lines. (A) Protein expression in nonleukemic bone marrow of the highest expressing MRP8-PMLRARα transgenic line (Tg556-PR) and in 2 of the MRP8-PMLRARαm4 mice, Tg4048-PRm4 (nonleukemic bone marrow) and Tg4099-PRm4 (leukemic bone marrow). 8% SDS-polyacrylamide. (B) Protein expression in nonleukemic bone marrow Tg556-PR and in the marrows of healthy MRP8-RARαm4 transgenic mice from 3 lines, Tg4142-Rm4, Tg4151-Rm4, and Tg4192-Rm4. 12% SDS-polyacrylamide. C, Immunofluorescence analysis of bone marrow neutrophilic cells, anti-RARαF antiserum and Hoechst 33258, 1300 × .

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