Fig. 1.
Fig. 1. WASP expression in 3 subjects. / (A) Flow cytometric analysis of WASP expression in normal individual (control), XLT patient (patient), and his mother (mother). The shaded areas and the dashed line indicate the staining with anti-WASP and control antibodies, respectively. (B) A Western blot analysis of WASP protein in the lysates from the 3 subjects above. WASP and β-actin protein as internal control were determined as approximately 59 kD and 42 kD proteins, respectively.

WASP expression in 3 subjects.

(A) Flow cytometric analysis of WASP expression in normal individual (control), XLT patient (patient), and his mother (mother). The shaded areas and the dashed line indicate the staining with anti-WASP and control antibodies, respectively. (B) A Western blot analysis of WASP protein in the lysates from the 3 subjects above. WASP and β-actin protein as internal control were determined as approximately 59 kD and 42 kD proteins, respectively.

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