Fig. 2.
Fig. 2. Schematic view of Ras regulatory factors. Ras proteins cycle between the active GTP-bound and the inactive GDP-bound state. Exchange factors catalyze the activation of Ras inducing the dissociation of GDP. NO may also promote the formation of Ras-GTP. Ras remains active until bound GTP is hydrolyzed to GDP, a process that is accelerated by GTPase activating proteins.

Schematic view of Ras regulatory factors. Ras proteins cycle between the active GTP-bound and the inactive GDP-bound state. Exchange factors catalyze the activation of Ras inducing the dissociation of GDP. NO may also promote the formation of Ras-GTP. Ras remains active until bound GTP is hydrolyzed to GDP, a process that is accelerated by GTPase activating proteins.

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