Fig. 5.
Fig. 5. Frequency of Jβ usage in Vβ repertoire in FHL patients. Autoradiograms were scanned by computerized densitometry, providing an absolute value for each autoradiographic spot. Each Vβ-Jβ spot is expressed as a percentage of the sum of all of the respective Vβ-Jβ signals detected on the autoradiogram. Some Vβ family members expressed within the normal range were also investigated in each patient. In the TCR V genes with a high frequency (15%), only 1 member of the Jβ1 gene subgroup was highly expressed in 3 patients. Even among the other Vβ family members expressed within the normal range, 1 of Jβ1 with overexpression and Jβ prediposed bias were observed: Vβ13 in patient no. 1, Vβ3 and 4 in patient no. 3, Vβ1 and 15 in patient no. 4, and Vβ13 in patient no. 5.

Frequency of Jβ usage in Vβ repertoire in FHL patients. Autoradiograms were scanned by computerized densitometry, providing an absolute value for each autoradiographic spot. Each Vβ-Jβ spot is expressed as a percentage of the sum of all of the respective Vβ-Jβ signals detected on the autoradiogram. Some Vβ family members expressed within the normal range were also investigated in each patient. In the TCR V genes with a high frequency (15%), only 1 member of the Jβ1 gene subgroup was highly expressed in 3 patients. Even among the other Vβ family members expressed within the normal range, 1 of Jβ1 with overexpression and Jβ prediposed bias were observed: Vβ13 in patient no. 1, Vβ3 and 4 in patient no. 3, Vβ1 and 15 in patient no. 4, and Vβ13 in patient no. 5.

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