Fig. 2.
Fig. 2. TPO mRNA isoforms detected by RT-nested PCR. (A and B). Total RNA was reverse-transcribed and the first PCR (primer set S3 and A3) was performed. PCR products were subjected to nested-PCR using a set of S7 and A2 primers for TPO-1, TPO-2, TPO-3, TPO-5, and TPO-6 (A) or a set of S2 and A4 primers for TPO-2 (B). (C) Approximately 450 to 500 bp of the first PCR products was fractionated by electrophoresis, and then the second PCR using a set of S7 and A2 primers for TPO-4 was performed.

TPO mRNA isoforms detected by RT-nested PCR. (A and B). Total RNA was reverse-transcribed and the first PCR (primer set S3 and A3) was performed. PCR products were subjected to nested-PCR using a set of S7 and A2 primers for TPO-1, TPO-2, TPO-3, TPO-5, and TPO-6 (A) or a set of S2 and A4 primers for TPO-2 (B). (C) Approximately 450 to 500 bp of the first PCR products was fractionated by electrophoresis, and then the second PCR using a set of S7 and A2 primers for TPO-4 was performed.

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