Fig. 6.
Fig. 6. MEK inhibition has no obvious effect on murine megakaryocyte morphology and acetylcholinesterase activity in whole marrow cultures. Murine bone marrow cells were harvested and split into 2 flasks. Both were grown in serum-free media with 35 ng/mL murine TPO for 3 days. One culture contained 50 μmol/L PD 98059 and the other contained an equal amount of DMSO. Cytospin preparations were then performed and stained with Giemsa ([A] DMSO; [B] PD 98059) or acetylcholinesterase activity (brown staining; [C] DMSO; [D] PD 98059).

MEK inhibition has no obvious effect on murine megakaryocyte morphology and acetylcholinesterase activity in whole marrow cultures. Murine bone marrow cells were harvested and split into 2 flasks. Both were grown in serum-free media with 35 ng/mL murine TPO for 3 days. One culture contained 50 μmol/L PD 98059 and the other contained an equal amount of DMSO. Cytospin preparations were then performed and stained with Giemsa ([A] DMSO; [B] PD 98059) or acetylcholinesterase activity (brown staining; [C] DMSO; [D] PD 98059).

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