Fig. 3.
Fig. 3. SDS-PAGE analysis of prothrombin activation. Prothrombin (5 μg) was activated with trocarin or human factor Xa (5 ng each) in the presence of Ca2+ ions (5 mmol/L), 9:1 PC:PS phospholipid vesicles (100 μmol/L), and factor Va (10 nmol/L) at 37°C for 4 hours. The reaction mixture was loaded on a nonreducing 4% to 20% gradient gel. Untreated prothrombin (lane a), cleavage products of prothrombin by trocarin (lane b), and factor Xa (lane c) were electrophoresed according to Laemmli.15

SDS-PAGE analysis of prothrombin activation. Prothrombin (5 μg) was activated with trocarin or human factor Xa (5 ng each) in the presence of Ca2+ ions (5 mmol/L), 9:1 PC:PS phospholipid vesicles (100 μmol/L), and factor Va (10 nmol/L) at 37°C for 4 hours. The reaction mixture was loaded on a nonreducing 4% to 20% gradient gel. Untreated prothrombin (lane a), cleavage products of prothrombin by trocarin (lane b), and factor Xa (lane c) were electrophoresed according to Laemmli.15 

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