Fig. 3.
Fig. 3. NO-mediated changes in ▵ψm, ROS production, and cardiolipin content in APO-S (A) and APO-R (B) Jurkat cells. To measure ▵ψm and ROS production, cells were incubated with DiOC6(3) and HE, respectively, at 37°C for 30 minutes. The content of the main mitochondrial lipid, cardiolipin, was analyzed after incubation with NAO for 30 minutes at 37°C. Recordings were made only on PI negative (viable) cells at green fluorescence (FL1) for DiOC6(3) and NAO and at red fluorescence (FL2) for HE using FACScan and CELLQuest software. A representative experiment of four is shown.

NO-mediated changes in ▵ψm, ROS production, and cardiolipin content in APO-S (A) and APO-R (B) Jurkat cells. To measure ▵ψm and ROS production, cells were incubated with DiOC6(3) and HE, respectively, at 37°C for 30 minutes. The content of the main mitochondrial lipid, cardiolipin, was analyzed after incubation with NAO for 30 minutes at 37°C. Recordings were made only on PI negative (viable) cells at green fluorescence (FL1) for DiOC6(3) and NAO and at red fluorescence (FL2) for HE using FACScan and CELLQuest software. A representative experiment of four is shown.

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