Fig. 2.
Fig. 2. Distribution of MTX metabolites (MTX-Glu1-6) expressed as mean value pmol MTX-Glun/109 cells (±SE) for 40 c/preB-ALL (□), 13 T-ALL (▨), and 14 AML (▪) patients. Leukemic cells were incubated for 24 hours with 1 μmol/L [3H]-MTX as described in Materials and Methods.

Distribution of MTX metabolites (MTX-Glu1-6) expressed as mean value pmol MTX-Glun/109 cells (±SE) for 40 c/preB-ALL (□), 13 T-ALL (▨), and 14 AML (▪) patients. Leukemic cells were incubated for 24 hours with 1 μmol/L [3H]-MTX as described in Materials and Methods.

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