Fig. 4.
Fig. 4. Lyp2 is a result of alternative splicing of the Lyp1 gene. (A) A schematic map of the PCR strategy used. Primer 1 corresponds to the last 20 nucleotides shared by both the Lyp1 and Lyp2 sequences, primer 2 to Lyp2 untranslated area, and primer 3 to the beginning of the unique Lyp1 sequence, immediately downstream of primer 1 (see also [C]). (B) The results of the PCR amplification on genomic DNA. Lane 1, DNA ladder; lane 2, a product of 3.5 kb was amplified with primers 1 and 3; lane 3, a product of 100 bp was amplified with primers 1 and 2. (C) Schematic map of Lyp1 splicing. The sequences before the vertical line represent the splice donor site, whereas the nucleotide sequences after it are the Lyp1 intronic sequence that code for the unique C-terminal seven amino acids, stop codon (asterisk), and untranslated sequence (lower case letters) of Lyp2. An open box represents the common cDNA sequence shared by Lyp1 and Lyp2; the solid and the light gray boxes represent the unique sequences of Lyp1 and Lyp2, respectively.

Lyp2 is a result of alternative splicing of the Lyp1 gene. (A) A schematic map of the PCR strategy used. Primer 1 corresponds to the last 20 nucleotides shared by both the Lyp1 and Lyp2 sequences, primer 2 to Lyp2 untranslated area, and primer 3 to the beginning of the unique Lyp1 sequence, immediately downstream of primer 1 (see also [C]). (B) The results of the PCR amplification on genomic DNA. Lane 1, DNA ladder; lane 2, a product of 3.5 kb was amplified with primers 1 and 3; lane 3, a product of 100 bp was amplified with primers 1 and 2. (C) Schematic map of Lyp1 splicing. The sequences before the vertical line represent the splice donor site, whereas the nucleotide sequences after it are the Lyp1 intronic sequence that code for the unique C-terminal seven amino acids, stop codon (asterisk), and untranslated sequence (lower case letters) of Lyp2. An open box represents the common cDNA sequence shared by Lyp1 and Lyp2; the solid and the light gray boxes represent the unique sequences of Lyp1 and Lyp2, respectively.

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