Fig. 6.
Fig. 6. Gel mobility shift analysis of the megakaryocyte enhancer. (A and B) Gel mobility shift analysis was performed with32P end-labeled double-stranded DNA fragment containing the 75-bp enhancer region (bp −1503/−1578) with two tandem AP1 binding sites and 1 μg of nuclear protein from either uninduced K562 cells (K562) or K562 cells induced for 4 days (4d Ind) with phorbol. Three major DNA protein complexes are indicated as A, B, and C. DNA-protein complexes were formed in the absence of competitive inhibitor (ø) (A and B), in the presence of a non-specific (NS) inhibitor consisting of 119-bp double-stranded DNA fragment from the coding region of the 2 cDNA (A), or in the presence of 75-bp DNA fragment containing mutations to both AP1 binding sites (Dbl AP1m) (B). The presence of an unlabeled specific inhibitor (75 bp) inhibited DNA-protein complex formation (A and B). Gel mobility shift analysis was performed as described in Materials and Methods.

Gel mobility shift analysis of the megakaryocyte enhancer. (A and B) Gel mobility shift analysis was performed with32P end-labeled double-stranded DNA fragment containing the 75-bp enhancer region (bp −1503/−1578) with two tandem AP1 binding sites and 1 μg of nuclear protein from either uninduced K562 cells (K562) or K562 cells induced for 4 days (4d Ind) with phorbol. Three major DNA protein complexes are indicated as A, B, and C. DNA-protein complexes were formed in the absence of competitive inhibitor (ø) (A and B), in the presence of a non-specific (NS) inhibitor consisting of 119-bp double-stranded DNA fragment from the coding region of the 2 cDNA (A), or in the presence of 75-bp DNA fragment containing mutations to both AP1 binding sites (Dbl AP1m) (B). The presence of an unlabeled specific inhibitor (75 bp) inhibited DNA-protein complex formation (A and B). Gel mobility shift analysis was performed as described in Materials and Methods.

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