Fig. 3.
Fig. 3. (A and B) TRAF1 in situ hybridization of two cases of classical HD. (A) represents a case of the nodular sclerosis subtype (exposure, 6 weeks; original magnification × 175), whereas a case of the mixed cellularity subtype is shown in (B) (exposure, 6 weeks; original magnification × 350). Note the distinct label of the tumor cells in both cases.

(A and B) TRAF1 in situ hybridization of two cases of classical HD. (A) represents a case of the nodular sclerosis subtype (exposure, 6 weeks; original magnification × 175), whereas a case of the mixed cellularity subtype is shown in (B) (exposure, 6 weeks; original magnification × 350). Note the distinct label of the tumor cells in both cases.

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