Fig. 2.
Fig. 2. (A and B) Double-labeling of tonsillar tissue from patients with infectious mononucleosis with the TRAF1 (black) and EBER (red) antisense probes (exposure of autoradiography, 6 weeks; original magnifications × 350 [A] and × 150 [B]). The TRAF1 probe was labeled by 35S-UTP, whereas the EBER probe was labeled by UTP-digoxigenin and detected by antidigoxin alkaline phosphatase conjugates.

(A and B) Double-labeling of tonsillar tissue from patients with infectious mononucleosis with the TRAF1 (black) and EBER (red) antisense probes (exposure of autoradiography, 6 weeks; original magnifications × 350 [A] and × 150 [B]). The TRAF1 probe was labeled by 35S-UTP, whereas the EBER probe was labeled by UTP-digoxigenin and detected by antidigoxin alkaline phosphatase conjugates.

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