Fig. 3.
Fig. 3. Analysis of mRNA expression of MDR1, MRP, cMOAT and β2m genes using RT-PCR. Lane (N) is negative control, without cDNA, and lane (P) is positive controls, K562/ADM for MDR1 and β2m, HepG2 for MRP and cMOAT. Lanes 1 through 3, 4 through 9, 10 through 12 and 13 through 14 are NK cells from the normal donors, indolent NK-GLPD, aggressive NK cell tumors, and NK cell lines, respectively. Lanes 4 through 12 correspond to patients 1 through 9 of Table 1, respectively. Lane 13 is the cell line NK92, and lane 14 is the cell line NKL.

Analysis of mRNA expression of MDR1, MRP, cMOAT and β2m genes using RT-PCR. Lane (N) is negative control, without cDNA, and lane (P) is positive controls, K562/ADM for MDR1 and β2m, HepG2 for MRP and cMOAT. Lanes 1 through 3, 4 through 9, 10 through 12 and 13 through 14 are NK cells from the normal donors, indolent NK-GLPD, aggressive NK cell tumors, and NK cell lines, respectively. Lanes 4 through 12 correspond to patients 1 through 9 of Table 1, respectively. Lane 13 is the cell line NK92, and lane 14 is the cell line NKL.

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