Fig. 2.
Two-dimensional flow cytometric dot plots of a three-color flow cytometric assay of NK cells stained with CD16 and CD56 after Rh123 efflux, gating on CD16+ or CD56+ populations. (A, B, C, and D) are NK cells from the normal donors, indolent NK-GLPD, aggressive NK cell tumors, and NK cell lines, respectively. (d through l) correspond to patients 1 through 9 of Table 1, respectively. (m) is the cell line NK92, and (n) is the cell line NKL. Dot density maps stained with Rh123 (T0), after the 3-hour efflux period without inhibitors (T3), and with 1 μmol/L PSC833 (PSC833). The results with 1 μmol/L CsA are similar to those with 1 μmol/L PSC833 and are omitted.