Fig. 3.
Fig. 3. Scatchard plot analyses of 125I-labeled IL-4 and IL-7 binding to the ED40515 (-) and its transfected derivatives expressing IL-7R alone or with the wild-type or mutant γc chain. The cells were incubated with 125I-IL-4 or125I-IL-7 and binding site and kD values were calculated by Scatchard analysis.

Scatchard plot analyses of 125I-labeled IL-4 and IL-7 binding to the ED40515 (-) and its transfected derivatives expressing IL-7R alone or with the wild-type or mutant γc chain. The cells were incubated with 125I-IL-4 or125I-IL-7 and binding site and kD values were calculated by Scatchard analysis.

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