Fig. 1.
Fig. 1. Immunofluorescence staining of receptors on ED40515(-) cells and transfected derivatives. (A) Cells were stained with an anti–IL-15 MoAb, M110 (· · · ·), anti–IL-2Rβ MoAb, TU27 (– · – ·), anti–IL-4R MoAb (—) or anti–IL-15R MoAb, M162 (– – –), followed by PE-conjugated antimouse IgG. (B) FITC-conjugated anti–IL-2R MoAb ( – ) or FITC-conjugated control IgG1 (· · · ·) were used for staining of these cells. (C) Cells were treated with a biotin-conjugated antihuman γc chain MoAb, TUGh4 (—), antihuman IL-7R chain MoAb (– – –) or without antibody (· · · ·) followed by streptavidin-phycoerythrin staining.

Immunofluorescence staining of receptors on ED40515(-) cells and transfected derivatives. (A) Cells were stained with an anti–IL-15 MoAb, M110 (· · · ·), anti–IL-2Rβ MoAb, TU27 (– · – ·), anti–IL-4R MoAb (—) or anti–IL-15R MoAb, M162 (– – –), followed by PE-conjugated antimouse IgG. (B) FITC-conjugated anti–IL-2R MoAb ( – ) or FITC-conjugated control IgG1 (· · · ·) were used for staining of these cells. (C) Cells were treated with a biotin-conjugated antihuman γc chain MoAb, TUGh4 (—), antihuman IL-7R chain MoAb (– – –) or without antibody (· · · ·) followed by streptavidin-phycoerythrin staining.

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