Fig. 1.
Fig. 1. (Top) Sequence comparison between the 5′ end of EHT and MTGR1 (italics) cDNAs. Translated sequences are shown in capital letters; a 27-bp nucleotide stretch upstream of the EHT ATG which is similar to the MTGR1 is underlined. The stop codons upstream of ATGs are in bold letters. (Bottom) Mapping by FISH of EHT gene on chromosome 20q11.

(Top) Sequence comparison between the 5′ end of EHT and MTGR1 (italics) cDNAs. Translated sequences are shown in capital letters; a 27-bp nucleotide stretch upstream of the EHT ATG which is similar to the MTGR1 is underlined. The stop codons upstream of ATGs are in bold letters. (Bottom) Mapping by FISH of EHT gene on chromosome 20q11.

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