Fig. 5.
The −112 to −109 sequence demonstrates cell preferential activity. The −146 construct was mutated at those positions that were altered in EMSA probe mPw1 and called −146 mPw1mut. Wild-type and mutant constructs were analyzed in the indicated cell lines for their luciferase activity and are displayed as fold activation over background with standard error bars. The number of times each experiment was performed is indicated in parentheses. The activity of the −146mPw1mut is only compared with the wild-type activity in those experiments when both constructs were used. Because there are some variations between experiments and because Fig 3summarizes numerous different experiments with the wild-type −146 construct, there are some differences in the activities of this construct between Figs 3 and 5.

The −112 to −109 sequence demonstrates cell preferential activity. The −146 construct was mutated at those positions that were altered in EMSA probe mPw1 and called −146 mPw1mut. Wild-type and mutant constructs were analyzed in the indicated cell lines for their luciferase activity and are displayed as fold activation over background with standard error bars. The number of times each experiment was performed is indicated in parentheses. The activity of the −146mPw1mut is only compared with the wild-type activity in those experiments when both constructs were used. Because there are some variations between experiments and because Fig 3summarizes numerous different experiments with the wild-type −146 construct, there are some differences in the activities of this construct between Figs 3 and 5.

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