Fig. 3.
Fig. 3. Schematic of the catalytic hammerhead ribozyme, APL 1.1, and the noncatalytic control, APL 5.0, hybridizing to PML/RAR mRNA. The two hybridizing arms (15 and 14 nucleotides [nt], respectively) of APL 1.1 are shown in dark black flanking the catalytic core (22 nt). The noncatalytic control ribozyme, APL 5.0, is identical to APL 1.1 except for one nucleotide substitution and one nucleotide deletion, as indicated. The PML (▧)/RAR (▨) mRNA is depicted, with the cleavage site indicated.

Schematic of the catalytic hammerhead ribozyme, APL 1.1, and the noncatalytic control, APL 5.0, hybridizing to PML/RAR mRNA. The two hybridizing arms (15 and 14 nucleotides [nt], respectively) of APL 1.1 are shown in dark black flanking the catalytic core (22 nt). The noncatalytic control ribozyme, APL 5.0, is identical to APL 1.1 except for one nucleotide substitution and one nucleotide deletion, as indicated. The PML (▧)/RAR (▨) mRNA is depicted, with the cleavage site indicated.

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