Fig. 7.
Fig. 7. Response of CEM cells to electroporated cytochrome c. (Upper panel) CEM cells were coelectroporated with 80 μg/mL cytochrome c and 8 μg/mL cytochrome c-biotin-streptavidin-FITC as described in the text, using different electroporation conditions. Gates were set using Coulter fluorospheres. Cells were analyzed 1 hour after electroporation. (A) Control cells (exposed to labeled cytochrome c without electroporation); (B) 240 V, 960 μF; (C) 240 V, 500 μF; (D) 240 V, 250 μF. In (B), 43% of gated cells were FITC-positive. Note that successful electroporation was achieved only with 240 V and 960 μF. (Lower panel) DNA analysis of cultures A through D 2 hours after electroporation. Similar DNA profiles were obtained after 4, 6, and 24 hours. Note the absence of apoptosis induction by cytochrome c.

Response of CEM cells to electroporated cytochrome c. (Upper panel) CEM cells were coelectroporated with 80 μg/mL cytochrome c and 8 μg/mL cytochrome c-biotin-streptavidin-FITC as described in the text, using different electroporation conditions. Gates were set using Coulter fluorospheres. Cells were analyzed 1 hour after electroporation. (A) Control cells (exposed to labeled cytochrome c without electroporation); (B) 240 V, 960 μF; (C) 240 V, 500 μF; (D) 240 V, 250 μF. In (B), 43% of gated cells were FITC-positive. Note that successful electroporation was achieved only with 240 V and 960 μF. (Lower panel) DNA analysis of cultures A through D 2 hours after electroporation. Similar DNA profiles were obtained after 4, 6, and 24 hours. Note the absence of apoptosis induction by cytochrome c.

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