Fig. 3.
Fig. 3. Nested RT-PCR products of the second experiment. (A) ABL PCR; (B) nested PCR for MLL duplication AML with MLL duplication. M, molecular weight standard (Boehringer no. VI); −C, blank control; +C, AML with MLL-duplication; C46-65, pheripheral blood of healthy controls no. 46 to 65.

Nested RT-PCR products of the second experiment. (A) ABL PCR; (B) nested PCR for MLL duplication AML with MLL duplication. M, molecular weight standard (Boehringer no. VI); −C, blank control; +C, AML with MLL-duplication; C46-65, pheripheral blood of healthy controls no. 46 to 65.

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