Fig. 2.
Fig. 2. PCR analysis of the expression of cytokines in MS-10 cells and their receptors in HB-1 cells by the coculture of MS-10 and HB-1 cells. (A) Expression of IL-1α and IL-11 in MS-10 cells was analyzed by RT-PCR after coculture with HB-1 cells. Each lane represents MS-10 cells alone (lane 3), MS-10 cells cocultured with HB-1 cells (lane 4), and HB-1 cells cocultured with MS-10 cells (lane 5), respectively. LPS-stimulated MS-5 cells were used as positive control (lane 2). Marker was 100 bp ladders (lane 1). (B) Expression of IL-1 receptor type I and IL-11 receptor in HB-1 cells was analyzed by RT-PCR after coculture with MS-10 cells or after IL-1α stimulation. Each lane represents HB-1 cells separated from MS-10 cells for 5 days (lane 3), HB-1 cells cocultured with MS-10 cells (lane 4). HB-1 cells separated from MS-10 cells for 5 days were reseeded on MS-10 cells again and harvested 5 days later (lane 5) or cultured in the presence of IL-1α and harvested 5 days later (10 U/mL) (lane 6). C3H/HeN spleen cells were used as positive control (lane 2). Marker was 100 bp ladders (lane 1).

PCR analysis of the expression of cytokines in MS-10 cells and their receptors in HB-1 cells by the coculture of MS-10 and HB-1 cells. (A) Expression of IL-1α and IL-11 in MS-10 cells was analyzed by RT-PCR after coculture with HB-1 cells. Each lane represents MS-10 cells alone (lane 3), MS-10 cells cocultured with HB-1 cells (lane 4), and HB-1 cells cocultured with MS-10 cells (lane 5), respectively. LPS-stimulated MS-5 cells were used as positive control (lane 2). Marker was 100 bp ladders (lane 1). (B) Expression of IL-1 receptor type I and IL-11 receptor in HB-1 cells was analyzed by RT-PCR after coculture with MS-10 cells or after IL-1α stimulation. Each lane represents HB-1 cells separated from MS-10 cells for 5 days (lane 3), HB-1 cells cocultured with MS-10 cells (lane 4). HB-1 cells separated from MS-10 cells for 5 days were reseeded on MS-10 cells again and harvested 5 days later (lane 5) or cultured in the presence of IL-1α and harvested 5 days later (10 U/mL) (lane 6). C3H/HeN spleen cells were used as positive control (lane 2). Marker was 100 bp ladders (lane 1).

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