Fig. 4.
Fig. 4. Functional capacity of cancer patients (study B). The figure shows frequency histograms. The scales on the x-axis have been reversed to account for the fact that a higher functional capacity index means a lower quality of life according to the definition by Ottery36: 0 = normal, no limitations; 1 = not normal, but able to be up with fairly normal activities; 2 = not feeling up to most things, but in bed less than half the day; 3 = able to do little activity and most of the day in bed or chair; 4 = rarely out of bed. Two patients in the IL-2–treated group did not complete the questionnaire. The changes of the functional capacity were different between the two treatment groups by the Trend test (P = .007).

Functional capacity of cancer patients (study B). The figure shows frequency histograms. The scales on the x-axis have been reversed to account for the fact that a higher functional capacity index means a lower quality of life according to the definition by Ottery36: 0 = normal, no limitations; 1 = not normal, but able to be up with fairly normal activities; 2 = not feeling up to most things, but in bed less than half the day; 3 = able to do little activity and most of the day in bed or chair; 4 = rarely out of bed. Two patients in the IL-2–treated group did not complete the questionnaire. The changes of the functional capacity were different between the two treatment groups by the Trend test (P = .007).

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