Fig. 6.
Fig. 6. Bacterial loads in infected mice. (A) Histopathology in the liver. Low power (20X objective) views of the liver of infected IFN-γ +/+ (top) or IFN-γ −/− (bottom) mice show that numerous granulomatous lesions form in the liver of IFN-γ −/− mice, while IFN-γ +/+ mice have few granulomas. Granulomas in IFN-γ +/+ mice contained no acid-fast bacteria (right-hand panel) at the time assayed (5 weeks postinfection), while IFN-γ −/− mice contained numerous bacteria (red rods within the granuloma structure). At the stage shown, 100% of granulomas contained acid-fast bacteria (data not shown) (B) Quantitation of bacterial numbers in the spleen. Closed symbols: IFN-γ +/+ mice, open diamonds: IFN-γ −/− mice. Time after infection is shown in the abscissa. Dilutions of spleen homogenates were plated onto MH9 media and bacterial colonies measured 21 to 28 days later.

Bacterial loads in infected mice. (A) Histopathology in the liver. Low power (20X objective) views of the liver of infected IFN-γ +/+ (top) or IFN-γ −/− (bottom) mice show that numerous granulomatous lesions form in the liver of IFN-γ −/− mice, while IFN-γ +/+ mice have few granulomas. Granulomas in IFN-γ +/+ mice contained no acid-fast bacteria (right-hand panel) at the time assayed (5 weeks postinfection), while IFN-γ −/− mice contained numerous bacteria (red rods within the granuloma structure). At the stage shown, 100% of granulomas contained acid-fast bacteria (data not shown) (B) Quantitation of bacterial numbers in the spleen. Closed symbols: IFN-γ +/+ mice, open diamonds: IFN-γ −/− mice. Time after infection is shown in the abscissa. Dilutions of spleen homogenates were plated onto MH9 media and bacterial colonies measured 21 to 28 days later.

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