Fig. 4.
Three-dimensional structure of BH3 region of BAX. Views of a modeled surface of the BH3 amphipathic α helix of BAX, calculated and displayed using GRASP.9 The G67R substitution as occurs in HPB-ALL is displayed at right. The surface is colored deep blue (23KBT) in the most negative, with linear interpolation for values inbetween. The model was generated using the protein building module (BUILDER) of INSIGHT II (Biosyn, San Diego, CA) and minimized using DISCOVER, the forefield simulation mode.

Three-dimensional structure of BH3 region of BAX. Views of a modeled surface of the BH3 amphipathic α helix of BAX, calculated and displayed using GRASP.9 The G67R substitution as occurs in HPB-ALL is displayed at right. The surface is colored deep blue (23KBT) in the most negative, with linear interpolation for values inbetween. The model was generated using the protein building module (BUILDER) of INSIGHT II (Biosyn, San Diego, CA) and minimized using DISCOVER, the forefield simulation mode.

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