Fig. 4.
Fig. 4. Localization of TGF-α in macrophages. Cryosection of a macrophage from a nasal polyp labeled for TGF-α. A few granules are labeled for TGF-α (arrows). Nucleus, (n); bundles of collagen (C). Inset is a higher magnification of the marked granules (asterisk) to show the gold labeling. Bars = 500 nm, inset = 100 nm.

Localization of TGF-α in macrophages. Cryosection of a macrophage from a nasal polyp labeled for TGF-α. A few granules are labeled for TGF-α (arrows). Nucleus, (n); bundles of collagen (C). Inset is a higher magnification of the marked granules (asterisk) to show the gold labeling. Bars = 500 nm, inset = 100 nm.

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