Fig. 2.
Fig. 2. Changes with time in stem cell functional abilities in mouse models of umbilical cord blood — experiment 2. Pooled myeloid or erythroid and pooled lymphoid repopulation values per 106 nucleated cells are given. Values for late fetal and newborn blood are several times less than for adult BM, while values for late fetal and newborn spleen are similar to BM, and values for late fetal or newborn liver are several times more. Fetal and newborn values tended to increase, and adult BM values to decrease, from 21 to 413 days (details in Table 3). (○), Newborn liver; (•), fetal liver; (▴), adult marrow; (⋄), newborn spleen; (✚), fetal spleen; (▪), newborn blood; (□), fetal blood.

Changes with time in stem cell functional abilities in mouse models of umbilical cord blood — experiment 2. Pooled myeloid or erythroid and pooled lymphoid repopulation values per 106 nucleated cells are given. Values for late fetal and newborn blood are several times less than for adult BM, while values for late fetal and newborn spleen are similar to BM, and values for late fetal or newborn liver are several times more. Fetal and newborn values tended to increase, and adult BM values to decrease, from 21 to 413 days (details in Table 3). (○), Newborn liver; (•), fetal liver; (▴), adult marrow; (⋄), newborn spleen; (✚), fetal spleen; (▪), newborn blood; (□), fetal blood.

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